Does your pet have other needs? Please feel free to contact us if the service you are looking for is not listed. We are happy to work with you to create care specifically for your pet!
Pre-Vet Visit Assistance
For when you need that extra hand getting your furry family member in the pet kennel.
Having difficulties getting medications into your pet? Need a paw-dicure to save your furniture? The Pet Tech will travel to you and administer them with the same quality care you'd receive at the veterinary clinic.
Nail Trim Including Nail Grinding
Cat/Pocket Pets $25
Small Dogs $30
Large Breed Dog $35
Ear Cleaning
Add-On Ear Cleaning
Cat/Dog Nail Trim fee + $10
Add-On Dematting
Starting at $10+
Oral/Ear Medications
Eye Medications
$25 (One treatment)
$30 (Two treatments with 5-10 minute intervals)
Medication Injections-Insulin, Cartrophen & B12
(Cartrophen and B12 injections are not included in pet sitting visits)
Subcutaneous Fluids
(Not included in pet sitting visits)
Available in Barrie only.
Cat visits are done in the comfort of your own home! No stress from having to travel or stay in a kennel. All visits are 20-30 minutes and include feeding, fresh water, playtime, medication as well as lots of snuggles. Photo updates are provided along with a brief summary of each visit.
Cat Sitting (This includes alternating house lights/blinds, collecting mail, watering potted plants, cleaning litter box, feeding, medication and playtime for up to 2 cats).